Detection of dangerous road conditions - RoadWatch
Safer and more sustainable future of transportation
Cities around the world are under enormous pressure to respond to the challenges of urbanization, solve the issue of optimization and traffic safety, as well as environmental pollution.
That is why new strategies for sustainable traffic management are being developed, which include platforms for autonomous vehicles that will become an integral part of our lives, and not in the distant future. But let’s go back to the present for a moment!
Smart Road technologies today solve some of the mentioned issues. We at TeleGroup, have developed RoadWatch smart system for automatic detection of dangerous conditions on city roads, which solves two problems at the same time - increases the safety of all traffic participants and helps the competent companies to optimize the process of maintaining road infrastructure in the winter.
Our solutions
What is RoadWatch, who is it for and
how does it work?
RoadWatch is an IoT solution specially developed with the idea of helping city services to provide clean and passable roads in the winter, which requires detailed planning and maximally efficient operations.
Although we cannot influence the weather, our IoT system is made up of a multitude of sensors, LoRaWAN networks, and web applications detects and notifies relevant services in real-time on which sections of the road there is moisture, snow and ice and helps them prioritize road maintenance operations in winter.
The sensors are installed in the immediate vicinity or in the road itself. They measure temperature, humidity, and air pressure day and night and send data to a central information system, which further calculates real meteorological data with predefined parameters to predict and detect dangerous conditions on the road. After that, the alarms on all sections where there is a real danger of ice, freezing of the road and accumulation of snow cover are triggered on the interactive map of the city. The competent services then, based on precise data on the locations and the actual state of the road infrastructure, activate their teams that know in advance which roads are a priority of the first, second or third order. RoadWatch is a useful tool and another piece in the puzzle of Smart City solutions. In the combination with ITS solutions city services will be more efficient and effective in their work!

- — Insight into precise meteorological data from sensors in real-time and timely response of emergency services in accordance with actual conditions on the road
- — A completely new and more efficient model of road maintenance with a reduction in operating costs
- — Optimization of the use of salt for road defrosting
- — Automatic generation of various reports based on specific business needs
- — Optimal traffic flow and better quality of life in the city
- — Greater safety of people and reduced number of traffic accidents
RoadWatch is conceived as a completely modular and scalable IoT solution that transforms the way city services in charge of road infrastructure maintenance work.
— We are developing a mobile application for citizens who will be able to follow in real-time on which sections of the road there is ice and traffic jams with automatic notification of an alternative route
— We are working on the integration of information displays and info desks that will display information and warnings about dangerous conditions on city roads;
— And lots more…